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Building a conversational AI agent for Celo transactions with GOAT


This tutorial guides you through creating a Node.js application using TypeScript that leverages the GOAT AI agent framework to interact with the Celo blockchain. GOAT allows you to use natural language prompts to perform on-chain actions, such as transferring tokens and checking allowances. We'll cover setup, configuration, code explanation, and common usage scenarios.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js (v16 or higher) and npm (or yarn) installed. You can download Node.js from
  • A Celo wallet with a private key. You'll need a wallet with some CELO and cUSD for testing. Never commit your private key to version control.
  • An RPC provider URL for the Celo network. We'll use Forno in this example, which is a public provider. For production, consider using a dedicated RPC provider like Ankr, QuickNode, or others.
  • An OpenAI API key. GOAT utilizes OpenAI's language models. Obtain an API key from
  • A code editor or IDE. VS Code, Sublime Text, or any other code editor will work.

Project Setup

  1. Create a new project directory:

    mkdir goat-celo-tutorial
    cd goat-celo-tutorial
  2. Initialize a Node.js project:

    npm init -y
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install typescript @ai-sdk/openai @goat-sdk/adapter-vercel-ai @goat-sdk/plugin-erc20 @goat-sdk/wallet-viem ai dotenv viem @types/node
    • typescript: For using TypeScript.
    • @ai-sdk/openai: The OpenAI adapter for AI-SDK.
    • @goat-sdk/adapter-vercel-ai: GOAT's adapter for using AI-SDK.
    • @goat-sdk/plugin-erc20: GOAT plugin for interacting with ERC-20 tokens.
    • @goat-sdk/wallet-viem: GOAT's wallet integration using Viem.
    • ai: The core AI-SDK library.
    • dotenv: For loading environment variables from a .env file.
    • viem: A lightweight Ethereum library for interacting with the blockchain.
    • @types/node: TypeScript definitions for Node.js.
  4. Initialize TypeScript configuration:

    npx tsc --init
  5. Configure tsconfig.json:

    Open tsconfig.json and update it with the following settings (adjusting paths as needed):

    "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES2020", // Or a later version if supported by your environment
    "module": "commonjs",
    "lib": ["ESNext"],
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "strict": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "outDir": "./dist", // Output directory for compiled JavaScript
    "rootDir": "./src", // Source directory for TypeScript files
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "sourceMap": true
    "include": ["src/**/*"],
    "exclude": ["node_modules"]
    • outDir: Specifies where the compiled JavaScript files will be placed.
    • rootDir: Specifies the root directory for your TypeScript source files.
    • sourceMap: Enables source map generation, helpful for debugging.
    • resolveJsonModule: allows importing JSON files
    • moduleResolution: Specifies how modules are resolved. "node" is standard for Node.js projects.

Project Structure

Organize your project files as follows:

├── src/
│ ├── index.ts <- Main application file
│ └── tokens.ts <- Definitions for Celo tokens
├── .env <- Environment variables (KEEP THIS PRIVATE)
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
└── tsconfig.json

Code Implementation

1. src/tokens.ts:

This file defines the Celo tokens we'll be interacting with (CELO, cUSD, and USDC).

// src/tokens.ts
import { Token } from "@goat-sdk/plugin-erc20";

export const tokens: Token[] = [
decimals: 6,
symbol: "USDC",
name: "USD Coin",
chains: {
"42220": {
contractAddress: "0xcebA9300f2b948710d2653dD7B07f33A8B32118C",
decimals: 18,
symbol: "CELO",
name: "Celo",
chains: {
"42220": {
contractAddress: "0x471EcE3750Da237f93B8E339c536989b8978a438",
decimals: 18,
symbol: "cUSD",
name: "Celo Dollar",
chains: {
"42220": {
contractAddress: "0x765de816845861e75a25fca122bb6898b8b1282a",

2. src/index.ts:

This is the main application file where we set up GOAT, the wallet, and the interactive prompt.

// src/index.ts
import { openai } from "@ai-sdk/openai";
import { getOnChainTools } from "@goat-sdk/adapter-vercel-ai";
import { erc20 } from "@goat-sdk/plugin-erc20";
import { viem } from "@goat-sdk/wallet-viem";
import { generateText } from "ai";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import readline from "node:readline";
import { createWalletClient, http } from "viem";
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
import { celo } from "viem/chains";
import { tokens } from "./tokens";


// --- Wallet Setup ---
const account = privateKeyToAccount(
process.env.WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY as `0x${string}`,

const walletClient = createWalletClient({
account: account,
transport: http(process.env.RPC_PROVIDER_URL),
chain: celo,

(async () => {
// --- GOAT Setup ---
const tools = await getOnChainTools({
wallet: viem(walletClient),
plugins: [erc20({ tokens })],

// --- Interactive Prompt ---
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,

while (true) {
const prompt = await new Promise<string>((resolve) => {
rl.question('Enter your prompt (or "exit" to quit): ', resolve);

if (prompt === "exit") {

try {
const result = await generateText({
model: openai("gpt-4o"), // Use "gpt-4o" for better performance, or another model
tools: tools,
maxSteps: 10, // Maximum number of tool invocations per request
prompt: prompt,
onStepFinish: (event) => {
console.log(event.toolResults); // Log the results of each tool invocation
} catch (error) {
console.error("An error occurred:", error); // Improved error handling

3. .env

Create a .env file in the root of your project and add the following, replacing the placeholders with your actual values:

RPC_PROVIDER_URL= # Or your preferred provider

Important Security Note: Never commit your .env file or your private key to version control (e.g., Git). Add .env to your .gitignore file.

Running the Application

Compile the TypeScript code:

pnpm dev

The application will start, and you'll see the prompt: Enter your prompt (or "exit" to quit):. You can now enter natural language commands.

Example Prompts and Explanations

Here are some example prompts you can use and explanations of what's happening:

  • "Transfer 1 cUSD to 0x13F6b54c5491cd4745fF4cFfaA9EfEe59E628657"

    • GOAT uses the get_address tool (implicitly, you don't need to specify it).
    • It then uses get_token_info_by_symbol to find the cUSD token details.
    • convert_to_base_unit converts 1 cUSD to its base unit (1 * 10^18).
    • Finally, the transfer tool is called with the token address, recipient, and amount.
    • The transaction hash is returned.
  • "What is my allowance on USDC?"

    • get_address is called to get the user's address.
    • get_token_info_by_symbol finds the USDC token.
    • get_chain is used to get the current chain
    • get_token_allowance is called to check the allowance of your address to spend USDC. The spender, in this case, is also your address, so you get 0. This is by design.
    • The allowance amount is returned.
  • "Approve 0x13F6b54c5491cd4745fF4cFfaA9EfEe59E628657 to spend 10 USDC on my behalf"

    • This prompt would use the approve tool from the ERC-20 plugin. You'd see similar steps to the transfer, but instead of transferring, it would set an allowance for the specified address to spend your USDC.
  • "What is my CELO balance?"

    • get_address will be used to get the current user address.
    • get_token_info_by_symbol finds the CELO token.
    • get_balance is used to get the current address balance.
    • The balance amount is returned.


  • TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'call') or similar errors: Double-check your tsconfig.json settings, particularly module, target, and lib. Make sure your Node.js version is compatible. Reinstall your dependencies (rm -rf node_modules && npm install).

  • Error: Invalid ABI: Ensure your contract addresses in tokens.ts are correct for the Celo network (chain ID 42220).

  • OpenAI API errors (e.g., 401 Unauthorized): Verify your OPENAI_API_KEY is correct and that your OpenAI account has sufficient credits.

  • Transaction failures:

    • Check that your wallet has enough CELO to pay for gas.
    • Verify your RPC_PROVIDER_URL is correct and functioning.
    • If you're using a custom RPC provider, ensure it supports the necessary methods.
  • Type errors after installation: If you encounter persistent type errors, you can try adding // @ts-ignore comments above the lines causing issues as a temporary workaround. However, it's best to resolve the underlying type issues if possible. The provided code avoids this, but it's a useful debugging technique.


This tutorial demonstrated how to build a Celo blockchain AI agent with GOAT, Node.js, and TypeScript. You've learned to set up a project, integrate a wallet, define tokens, and use natural language to execute on-chain actions. This provides a foundation for creating powerful, user-friendly Web3 applications that simplify complex blockchain interactions. Remember to prioritize security and continue exploring the possibilities!

Next Steps

  • Explore more examples and documentation for GOAT and the ERC-20 plugin and ERC-721 plugin.
  • Build a more complex application using GOAT and other Celo tools.
  • Contribute to the GOAT project and provide feedback.